• Question: By looking a the land below the sea can find any sunken countries

    Asked by anon-253587 on 7 May 2020.
    • Photo: Daire Harvey-Carroll

      Daire Harvey-Carroll answered on 7 May 2020:

      Unfortunately we aren’t likely to find Atlantis but we can find some really interesting things! During the last ice age (10000 years ago!) sea levels were lower so there was some ares of land that no longer exist. These are sunken under the ocean and may contain fossils of different types of animals we don’t know anything about!

    • Photo: Emily Goddard

      Emily Goddard answered on 7 May 2020: last edited 7 May 2020 2:03 pm

      There’s a television series called “Drain the Oceans” you might be interested in. They definitely find underwater cities in some episodes, and others look at shipwrecks. Underwater archaeology in general is really interesting to read about — the first underwater archaeologists were divers who were trying to salvage things from shipwrecks. Now as well as divers they can use robots and even submarines! There’s even a museum of underwater archaeology in Turkey that I’ve been to. A bit closer to home is the Mary Rose museum in Portsmouth.

    • Photo: Sylvia Soldatou

      Sylvia Soldatou answered on 7 May 2020:

      Many thousand years ago, the Earth didn’t have the morphology we know today. The sea level was lower and there were some land areas (cities, villages) that no longer exist. Archaelogists have found numerous objects from the bottom of the ocean that suggest some sort of human activity.
      What I can tell you for sure is that there are a lot of marine organisms and microbes at the bottom of the ocean that can give us great information about our planet!

    • Photo: Rehemat Bhatia

      Rehemat Bhatia answered on 7 May 2020:

      Yes! In fact probably the coolest discovery that scientist have found, is evidence for the sunken continent of Zealandia. Zealandia was fully submerged under the sea 23 million years ago.

      A group of researchers sailed on a research cruise in 2017, and the sediments they found at the bottom of the ocean had plant and pollen fossils – we only find these on land, so when they found them they were really excited and realised they had found the remains of Zealandia – one of the things they were hoping to find. They were also excited because they found organisms which lived in warm, shallow seas – which meant they could figure out what the shoreline of Zealandia was like millions of years ago too, and climate as well.

    • Photo: Jacque Cilliers

      Jacque Cilliers answered on 11 May 2020:

      That would be amazing!! .. but countries don’t float like boats on the sea, and so they can’t sink. Continents and countries are attached to the sea floor. What happens is that the sea floor rises up so high that eventually it pokes out of the sea to form continents and islands.
      I do like the idea of finding a sunken country. If you could find a sunken country, who do you think you would find lived there?
