• Question: Do you get a lot of questions asked to yourself

    Asked by anon-258530 to Steve T on 9 Jul 2020.
    • Photo: Steve Thackeray

      Steve Thackeray answered on 9 Jul 2020:

      Hi Ben,

      I guess I do, and from lots of different places. In my job, people often ask my opinion on the work that they are doing, and ask for advice on how to look at their data so that they can interpret it. Sometimes (before lockdown) I would also go to big conferences with other scientists from all around the world – at these I would present my work to the audience and get asked questions about what I had done. These questions can really help you think about ways to improve your work! I also use social media to tell people about my research, and also research from my team – sometimes I get asked questions that way as well.

      It’s nice when people get in touch, as it shows that they find your work interesting, and want to know more about it.
