• Question: have you always enjoyed science, if so, what type is your favorite? :)

    Asked by anon-254868 to Sylvia, Sophie, Siti Syuhaida, Sarah, Kirsty, Alex on 19 May 2020.
    • Photo: Sophie Webber

      Sophie Webber answered on 19 May 2020: last edited 19 May 2020 12:17 pm

      Hi Grace!

      In all honesty, no – I did not always enjoy science! I didn’t do very well in my Year 9 SATS and I was subsequently put in the bottom set for Science for my GCSE years.

      Luckily, I had amazing teachers at GCSE who made science understandable and enjoyable to me, so much so that I studied Physics and Chemistry at A-Level (after getting A’s at GCSE). Science became enjoyable to me when I began to see how science is used in day to day life. For example, learning about forces didn’t seem very interesting until I understood that Engineers use forces to make a building stand up!

      Physics was my probably favourite subject; I particularly enjoyed anything to do with space! At one point, I wanted to be a Civil Engineer so that I could design launchpads for NASA!

    • Photo: Sylvia Soldatou

      Sylvia Soldatou answered on 19 May 2020:

      I did! My favourite subjects at school were chemistry and biology. I must admit that I wasn’t great in physics or maths but I still liked them

    • Photo: Kirsty Pringle

      Kirsty Pringle answered on 20 May 2020:

      I’ve always enjoyed bits of it, but not all of it!

      I hated doing Chemistry experiments in school (and Uni!), they seemed so pointless and I am not very good at following instructions. But I enjoyed the theory behind it all; understanding why stuff happens. It’s like hearing a good story, starting from not knowing something to understanding how it works and seeing how it all fits together.

      These days I get to be a scientist but don’t do any lab work, which is perfect for me!
