• Question: how did you start doing science

    Asked by anon-257418 to Beth on 18 Jun 2020.
    • Photo: Beth Clark

      Beth Clark answered on 18 Jun 2020:

      Hi Emily,

      Thanks so much for your question 🙂 I really enjoyed science at school, especially biology and so I decided to look for opportunities to learn more. I helped to set up a lunchtime science club for younger students when I was at school, and did reading outside of what I was learning in areas that interested me.

      I decided to study biological sciences at university which I really enjoyed, and within that found that I especially liked ecology and learning about nature and so chose modules that were related to that. I was particularly inspired by a marine biology professor and spoke to him after a lecture about any opportunities he might have and ended up doing a summer research project with him which opened up a lot of doors for me.

      One thing that has really developed since I was at school is the amount of amazing science resources on YouTube, so if you are interested, that’s an awesome place to start exploring and learning what you enjoy 🙂

