• Question: What age did you know you wanted to be a scientist?

    Asked by anon-257735 to Beth on 23 Jun 2020.
    • Photo: Beth Clark

      Beth Clark answered on 23 Jun 2020:

      Hi Toni, that’s such an interesting question and honestly I’m not exactly sure.
      I have been interested in science since I can remember. When I was in primary school I made a big written record of all of the frogs in my parents garden, I wrote down all of their markings and size and gave each one a number, and then recorded every place I saw them in the garden, and I think that was my first taste of science.
      Until I was about 16 though I wanted to be a vet, but then I found out I was allergic to cats and decided I needed to rethink my plan. It probably took me about a year to decide that I wanted to be a scientist and then I applied to study biology at university.
      Is being a scientist something you are interested in doing in the future?
