• Question: When do you think your at its best.

    Asked by anon-255873 on 3 Jun 2020.
    • Photo: Jessica Gomez-Banderas

      Jessica Gomez-Banderas answered on 3 Jun 2020:

      I think I work best in the morning… After I’ve had my morning coffee and I’ve woken up I feel this is when I get the most work done and when my brain is most focused!

    • Photo: Chloe Carter

      Chloe Carter answered on 3 Jun 2020:

      I am not a morning person so I am really unproductive before lunch time. I am most productive between 6pm-9pm, I get a strange burst of energy at this time and can just really focus.

    • Photo: Constance Schere

      Constance Schere answered on 3 Jun 2020:

      Honestly, my brain is always thinking about my research even when I’m not actually thinking about it. I like to keep a notepad on my bedside table because sometimes while trying to fall asleep an idea or research question will pop into my head! I prefer working in the mornings, but my parents for example do all their research and writing at night — I remember growing up my dad would work from after dinner until 4 o’clock in the morning! He’d spend our waking hours napping or reading. Everyone is different, so you need to figure out what works best for you even if your circadian rhythm is different from everybody else’s!

    • Photo: Luke Hillary

      Luke Hillary answered on 3 Jun 2020:

      I find it depends on the type of work. For lab work or writing, I like to start early, usually around 8am. I also have days where I’ll only do lab work, or days where I only write. I find it difficult to do both in one day. When I’m analysing data or coding, I’m better in the evenings after I’ve had dinner. I also think about WHERE I work best. I can’t do lab work anywhere else but pre-pandemic, I quite liked to sit in a coffee shop to write. I like the noise of people coming and going but they’re not people who are going to ask me questions.

    • Photo: Gareth Mason

      Gareth Mason answered on 8 Jun 2020:

      Like Jessica I am a morning person so once I usually am first in my office so I can have a coffee in peace and get through the most pressing work I need to get done. Otherwise it is when I am working on a project, site, or species that I am passionate about and know will make a positive difference to our forests or landscape.

    • Photo: Steve Wroe

      Steve Wroe answered on 9 Jun 2020:

      I always work best when I’m under pressure. As a University Lecturer I was a total hypocrite as I would tell students to plan their work etc but I work best when I’m up against the clock.

    • Photo: Stephen Kelly

      Stephen Kelly answered on 9 Jun 2020:

      I tend to work best later in the day (which is probably why I’m replying to this at 11PM!)

      Lots of people I know are very different and preferred to get into the office very early. That’s one of the nice things about working in science – depending on what you do, it’s often possible to work at the time of day that best suits you.

    • Photo: Ana Filipa Palmeirim

      Ana Filipa Palmeirim answered on 11 Jun 2020:

      I have to sleep a lot, more than 10 hours, and then, after a coffee and a piece of chocolate cake, I think I can be highly productive. Now that I am working at home, for some reason, I also have to clean and organise everything before I can start working. Thinking about this, I am also more productive when the weather is good!

    • Photo: Rachel Meacock

      Rachel Meacock answered on 19 Jun 2020: last edited 19 Jun 2020 4:05 pm

      I work best in the morning, despite never enjoying getting out of bed! I find I’m less susceptible to distractions earlier in the day. After lunch I usually slow down, and I perk back up and refocus towards the end of the day. An impending deadline also works wonders to focus me!
