• Question: With large marine animals do you have to aquamate them when moving them into a new habitat?

    Asked by anon-255608 to Sarah, Imad on 21 May 2020.
    • Photo: Sarah Marley

      Sarah Marley answered on 21 May 2020:

      It depends on the animal and the habitat! If the animal is being moved into a habitat that is very different from the one it is used to, it is wise to do this slowly so the animal has time to acclimate. For example, moving a fish from a cold tank to a hot tank could be quite shocking, but gradually warming the water the fish is in is a much gentler approach!

      But in the wild, animals often move between lots of different habitats. So they can be very robust to dealing with changes in temperature, salinity, depth, and so on. But in nature, it is rare for these changes to be sudden, which is why animals need to gradually acclimate.
